
昆虫力量10 - 英语听力

[00:00.000]Right, [00:00.446]so it's not that the...
[00:00.446]so it's not that the beetle necessarily has been flying over and somebody's shot it,
[00:05.195]it might have been crawling on the ground as been shot.
[00:08.699]It looks more that way, yeah.
[00:10.199]Wow, that's interesting.
[00:11.198]That adds something to the mix then, doesn't it,
[00:12.948]because you said these beetles fly very high.
[00:15.439]So it's clearly been shot in the back.
[00:17.447]It's been shot in the back.
[00:18.942]But you're all using techniques that you would use in say,
[00:22.944]solving a murder or something like that.
[00:25.438]And applying it to an insect.
[00:26.698]On a beetle.
[00:28.698]So if we X-ray this then,
[00:29.700]what will it tell us?
[00:30.450]The number of entry wounds on the beetle
[00:33.199]doesn't match the number of exit wounds.
[00:34.949]That could be explained by the fact
[00:37.194]that the beetle was open and flying at the time,
[00:39.948]so pellets may have gone straight through,
[00:42.199]but it may also indicate
[00:43.697]that there's still some pellets inside the beetle.
[00:45.700]Heather may be able upon to prove once and for all that the beetle was shot by X-raying it to see if the pellets are still inside.