
昆虫力量18 - 英语听力

[00:00.000]The Wallace family archive. [00:01.871]...
[00:00.000]The Wallace family archive.
[00:01.871]How fantastic.
[00:02.867]Wow. Look at the colours,
[00:07.110]that's amazing.
[00:11.782]That's fantastic.
[00:32.533]If you want to see
[00:33.533]how passionate he was about collecting,
[00:36.033]have a look at this wonderful quote from his famous book The Malay Archipelago.
[00:40.032]This bit here?
[00:41.281]"The beauty and brilliancy of this insect are indescribable.
[00:46.277]On taking it out of my net
[00:48.281]and opening the glorious wings.
[00:50.289]My heart began to beat violently.
[00:52.030]The blood rushed to my head,
[00:54.035]and I felt much more like fainting
[00:56.032]than I have done when in apprehension of immediate death.
[00:59.267]I had a headache the rest of the day."
[01:01.774]Wow, he was an enthusiast,
[01:02.783]wasn't he?
[01:03.532]He certainly was.
[01:04.282]That's fantastic.
[01:05.031]I actually have the specimen, the one described in that passage, here.
[01:09.783]Oh, really?
[01:10.270]Oh, let's have a look.
[01:10.783]So this is it.
[01:11.533]I did some research
[01:12.527]and found it in our main butterfly collection.
[01:14.785]And I believe you can actually see
[01:16.532]are there's fingerprints on the wings, and I..
[01:18.533]You're kidding.
[01:19.533]Where it took it out of the net, presumably.
[01:20.532]Yep. Almost certainly.
[01:21.783]And this is the original one he's talking about when you write it in the book?
[01:24.937]Yes, yep.
[01:25.933]He sounds a bit melodramatic,
[01:27.189]but you can understand the excitement
[01:28.440]of being the first person to see one of this.
[01:30.442]Absolutely. Am I...
[01:31.191]Will you realise it's significance?
[01:32.191]I definitely would have had a headache if I'd discovered something like that.