
Say Goodbye to the Holiday - Starlight Glimmer

Say Goodbye to the Holiday-Starlight Glimmer.mp3
[00:0.01]Say Goodbye to the Holiday (和节日说拜拜)...
[00:0.01]Say Goodbye to the Holiday (和节日说拜拜) - Starlight Glimmer
[00:0.02]Written by:Daniel Ingram
[00:0.26]Happy Hearth's Warming they say in the street
[00:4.56]驱寒节快乐 他们互道祝福
[00:4.56]Happy Hearth's Warming they think they're so sweet
[00:8.58]驱寒节快乐 他们自以为很客气
[00:8.58]Words said so often that they lack any meaning
[00:12.6]对答千百变 谁都没怀真心
[00:12.6]Why should I join in when I could be intervening
[00:16.44]我为何要加入 和他们一起
[00:16.44]Everypony loves this cursed holiday
[00:20.02]But would they be better off with it out of the way
[00:26.67]可想过若没有它 生活更增光辉
[00:26.67]Well okay
[00:32.16]好的 就这么办
[00:32.16]Say goodbye to the holiday
[00:35.06]With my magic I'll erase it
[00:38.39]The greatest gift that I give today
[00:41.9]这份礼物 多么珍贵
[00:41.9]And everypony will have to face it
[00:45.27]无论是谁 都得面对
[00:45.27]No more little games for you to play
[00:53.75]After you say goodbye to the holiday
[01:02.1]Goodbye Hearth's Warming you had a good run
[01:07.45]再见 驱寒节 你的戏份演完了
[01:07.45]Goodbye Hearth's Warming it's over you're done
[01:13.67]再见 驱寒节 结束了 你完蛋了
[01:13.67]Finally set free from your forced celebrations
[01:19.3]No need to reply to your trite invitations
[01:25.28]Calendar shorter by a single day
[01:30.73]Is my magic up to the test
[01:36.5]Time to see I can't delay
[01:49.05]时间已到 无需再推
[01:49.05]Say goodbye to the holiday
[01:54.17]Prepare the spell no hesitation
[01:59.82]备好咒语 毫不犹豫
[01:59.82]All memory shall fade away
[01:65.55]See Equestria's new transformation
[01:71.37]No more shall anypony say
[01:84.85]Happy Hearth's Warming
[01:91.52]After today
[02:04.72]After today