
Redfoo-New New Thang(Marten remix) - Marten

Redfoo-New New Thang(Marten remix)-Marten.mp3
作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 Life used to be uncomplicated...
作词 : 无
作曲 : 无
Life used to be uncomplicated 'til I drank your love,在我饮下你的爱之前 生活是多么的简单,We had the perfect picture, then you went and ****** it up,我们曾拥有美好的回忆 直到你搞砸一切,Unneeded drama, unneeded talk, think, rush,复杂的剧本 无用的谈话 混乱的思维 仓促的离去,So tonight, I'll be flirting with some hot mess, love,所以今晚 我要纵情迷乱 风花雪月,I don't want to make it right,我不想再重回正轨,Line 'em up until I get too high,这样多嗨啊,Yeah, I'm coming to the other side,我已沉醉其中 无法自拔,I'm gonna blaze this night away,我要做今夜最闪耀的一颗星,Forget you when I wake,这样我醒来时就会忘记你,So I'm,所以我,I'm getting faded,渐渐遗忘,I'm getting faded,努力把你,I'm getting faded,从记忆中抹去,I'm getting faded 'til you're faded away,直到你真正的消失。Makes me go cray, do ya love that drop, girl?简直让我疯狂,喜欢这张碟吗,妹子,You could be my new thang,你可以做我的新女票,Aye bae, I know we hardly met,耶,宝贝儿,我知道我们压根没见过,And I like that you're playin' hard to get,但我就喜欢你这欲擒故纵的样子,And you're the type that,你就是那种,Makes me wanna do things,让我想要做点什么的类型啊,And that's why I'm tryna make you my new thang,这也就是为什么我正在努力追你,Aye bae, I know we hardly met,耶,宝贝儿,我知道我们压根没见过,And I like that you're playin' hard to get,但我就喜欢你这欲擒故纵的样子,And you're the type that,你就是那种,Makes me wanna do things,让我想要做点什么的类型啊,And that's why I'm tryna make you my new thang,这也就是为什么我正在努力追你,Party people,为派对而生的人们,Aha,啊哈~,Aha,啊哈~。