
Everglow(Single Version) - Coldplay

Everglow(Single Version)-Coldplay.mp3
[00:0.23]Everglow(Single Version) - Coldplay [00:3...
[00:0.23]Everglow(Single Version) - Coldplay
[00:33.07]Oh they say people come say people go
[00:39.6]This particular diamond was extra special
[00:46.4]And though you might be gone and the world may not know
[00:52.74]我知道你会离开我 去往另个我未曾可知的世界
[00:52.74]Still I see you celestial
[00:59.22]When I should but I can't let you go
[01:14.17]But when I'm cold cold
[01:25.23]When I'm cold cold
[01:37.52]There's a light that you give me when I'm in shadow
[01:48.25]你却给我温暖的光芒 当我置身黑暗地带
[01:48.25]There's a feeling within me an everglow
[01:81.07]Like brothers in blood sisters who ride
[01:92.1]And we swore on that night we'd be friends 'til we die
[02:02.98]当我们携手漫步这人生旅程 便注定我们此生不变的情谊
[02:02.98]But the changing of winds and the way waters flow
[02:13.78]风 依旧变幻莫测 水 依然潺潺而流
[02:13.78]Life is short as the falling of snow
[02:24.48]And now I'm gonna miss you I know
[02:40.27]我明白我会想你 我知道
[02:40.27]But when I'm cold cold
[02:51.42]In water rolled salt
[02:63.17]I know you're with with me and the way you will show
[02:74.17]我知道那是因为有你在我身旁 你的一言一行
[02:74.17]And you're with me wherever I go
[02:85.03]And you give me this feeling this everglow
[03:28.48]而你给我的这种感受 未曾有过的光亮
[03:28.48]Oh what I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold
[03:39.65]我该以何换得 只一刻便懂
[03:39.65]Becasue I live for this feeling this everglow
[03:72.72]我依赖这感觉而活 未曾有过的光亮
[03:72.72]So if you love someone you should let them know
[03:83.87]如果你深爱某个人 你应该让他懂
[03:83.87]Oh the light that you give me will everglow