
Free - Barbie

[00:00.300] [00:24.300]Anneliese:All my life I've...
[00:24.300]Anneliese:All my life I've always wanted to have one day just for me
[00:28.300]Nothing to do,and for once nowhere I need to be
[00:32.300]With no lessons,lords or lunches or"to do"list in the way
[00:37.300]No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay
[00:45.300]That would be the day
[00:53.300]Erika:All my life I've always wanted to have one day for my self
[00:58.300]Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf
[01:01.299]With no hems in need of pressing and no sleeves in disarray
[01:06.299]No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet
[01:13.299]And no debt to pay
[01:18.299]?-(gasps)Madame Carp!
[01:20.299]C-What do you think I'm running here,a cabaret?
[01:23.299]Erika:I would've said a debtors' prison
[01:26.299]C-Keep laughing.You'll be working for me for another 37 years!
[01:31.299]Erika:But I've already paid off more than half.
[01:34.300]C-But there's interest.Your parents should've thought of that before borrowing so much
[01:39.300]Erika:They did it to feed me.
[01:42.300]C-Their mistake.
[01:44.300]Erika:What would it be like to be...
[01:47.300]Anneliese:What would it be like to be free?
[01:53.300]Anneliese:Free to try crazy things
[01:56.300]Erika:Free from endless IOUs.
[02:01.299]Anneliese:Free to fly
[02:04.299]Erika:Free to sing
[02:06.299]Anneliese:And marry whom I choose...
[02:12.300]Q-I'm so sorry,my darling,but as you know,it is vital you marry king Dominick. It is the only may to take care of our people.
[02:20.300]Anneliese:I know.It's my duty.
[02:24.300]Q-And look!Another engagement gift.
[02:29.300]Anneliese:You would think that I'm so lucky,that I have so many things. I'm realising that every present comes with strings.
[02:38.300]Erika:Though I know I have so little,my determination's,strongPeople will gather around the world to hear my song
[02:50.300]?-Can I come along?
[02:55.300]Anneliese:Now I fear I'll never be...
[02:57.300]Erika:Som I will forever be...
[03:04.300]I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away
[03:12.300]I could take flight,but would it be right?
[03:16.300]My conscience tells me "stay"
[03:23.300]Anneliese:I'll remain forever royal
[03:25.300]Erika:I'll repay my parents' debt
[03:28.300]both-Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret
[03:32.300]Anneliese:But I'll never stop believing
[03:34.300]Erika:She can never stop my schemes
[03:36.300]both-There's more to livingthan gloves and gowns and threads and seams
[03:41.300]In my dreams
[03:43.300]I'll be free!