
不知忐忑 - 笑眉

[00:00.000] 作词 : 笑眉 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 笑眉 [0...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 笑眉
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 笑眉
[00:02.000] 编曲 : 笑眉
[00:12.039]i'm afraid he hates me
[00:18.959]i get the worst result
[00:20.270]is that why i wait for him
[00:30.530]也很喜欢吧 在某次聚会上
[00:35.500]圣洁无比的天使 都难及他半分
[00:41.064]出淤泥而不染的莲 都没他清冷
[00:47.270]周围的喧闹与他 格格不入
[00:52.984]仿佛阴晴与白昼 破口而出
[00:58.042]的那句话 还是咽下肚 没说出
[01:05.243]难过又危险 还是选择跑路
[01:12.581]why i am so timid
[01:18.664]fear for touching him
[01:24.442]i'm afraid he hates me
[01:29.763]i get the worst result
[01:31.400]is that why i wait for him
[01:53.195]就像 此时此刻 我们就贴的那么紧
[01:58.515]见不到你 真的好想你
[02:04.435]头脑发狂 只能想到你 e e
[02:35.392]why i am so timid
[02:41.620]fear for touching him
[02:47.065]i'm afraid he hates me
[02:52.564]i get the worst result
[02:54.186]is that why i wait for him