
英国的不健康工作模式 - 英语听力

It's nine-to-five no more. No matter what time it...
It's nine-to-five no more. No matter what time it is, in our 24-hour seven-day-a-week society, work demands more from us. Our sleep patterns are shifting. Chris, it's 11 o'clock. All right, thanks. Take the Jarvis family. When milkman Chris is getting up to work through the night, his wife Carol, a housekeeper, is going to bed. Their son is working nights down at the local supermarket. One in ten of us now has just five hours' sleep or less a night. Chris, for example, misses a massive six weeks' sleep a year. I almost quite looking forward to getting up, you know, I really enjoy what I do, and if you enjoy your work, sleep's not a problem really. In this house, there are three people who work shifts, the parents and the son. Increasingly around the country, it seems that the bedroom is becoming an office, as people use laptops, send emails and use their mobile phones from their beds. Nik Done's an ambitious 20-something in Public Relations. Her bed's the nerve centre of her life. You can sit here, cross-legged, loads of space, get papers out across the whole bed, and it's great, certainly nicer than an office at seven o'clock in the morning. Researching sleep, scientists at Surrey University warn workaholics of the dangers of sleep deprivation. We will make more mistakes, there will be more errors, there will be accidents related to sleepiness. There may be more serious health consequences. It is known that shift-workers have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. So with health in mind, scientists say it's time to take sleep seriously before it's too late. Nicola Carslaw, BBC News.

再也不是朝九晚五了。无论现在是什么时间,在我们这个1周7天1天24小时的社会中,工作向我们索要更多。我们的睡眠模式正在改变。 Chris, 现在是11点。 好的,谢谢。 就拿Jarvis一家来说。当送奶工Chris起床上班干了个通宵时,他的妻子Carol,家庭主妇正上床睡觉。他们的儿子在当地超市工作到夜里才回家。 现在我们每十个人中就有一个人每晚只睡5小时或更少。比如,Chris,一年下来失去的睡眠累计达6周。 我几乎非常渴望起床,你知道,我真的喜欢我的工作,如果喜欢自己的工作,睡眠真的不算问题。 这个家里,父母加儿子,三个人三种工作时段。全国越来越多的情况是,随着人们在床上用手提电脑发邮件和打电话的增多,卧室似乎正在变成办公室。 Nik Done 是公关部的,雄心勃勃,20岁左右。她的床就是她的生活大本营。 你可以坐在这里,盘着腿,超大空间,文件铺满整张床,这多棒,当然比早晨7点到办公室好多了。 英国萨利大学的科学家们研究睡眠,告诫工作狂们小心缺乏睡眠带来危险。 我们将犯更多错误,将出现更多失误,将引发与睡眠有关的事故。可能有更严重的健康后果。众所周知,轮班制工人患有心血管疾病的风险更高。 所以要把健康牢记心中,科学家们告诫说趁早行动,是该认真对待睡眠了。 英国广播公司Nicola Carslaw的报道。