
5只鲨鱼找朋友:5 Sharks are Looking for Friends - 宝宝巴士

5只鲨鱼找朋友:5 Sharks are Looking for Friends-宝宝巴士.mp3
1 2 3 4 5. 一二三四五, 5 sharks are looking for...
1 2 3 4 5. 一二三四五,
5 sharks are looking for friends. 五只鲨鱼找朋友。
Swimming in the ocean. 大海里游呀游,
They meet a big octopus. 看见一只大章鱼。

1 2 3 4 5. 一二三四五,
5 sharks are looking for friends. 五只鲨鱼找朋友。
When they make a big smile. 张开大嘴笑,
The octopus runs away. 章鱼吓得跑走了。

1 2 3 4 5. 一二三四五,
5 sharks are looking for friends. 五只鲨鱼找朋友。
Swimming in the ocean. 大海里游呀游,
They meet a big turtle. 看见一只大海龟。

1 2 3 4 5. 一二三四五,
5 sharks are looking for friends. 五只鲨鱼找朋友。
When they make a big smile. 张开大嘴笑,
The big turtle runs away. 海龟吓得跑走了。

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