
don't sleep - 46

don't sleep-46.mp3
作词 : 46 作曲 : 无 I don't even think you're dead...
作词 : 46
作曲 : 无
I don't even think you're dead
you know in my heart you re still alive
become lost in a deep reverie
make me unbearable memories
I tried to look for your existence's signs
why re the people gone that never slight
I just want to apologize to you
I just want to say how I feel
is it really right?
I did wrong, you see
If only I had said it then
maybe we can avoid the accident
This life is not what I want
It often makes me feel sad when I'm alone.
I just stood there, motionless
im sorry, please never forgive me
i will do my best
you will see
but you cant see it anymore
sad is my daily nightly work
If I had come a little earlier
why didn't I, distance just so near
in that case, I wouldn't have written this song
I don't want to have this song
I don't even think you're dead
you know in my heart you re still alive
become lost in a deep reverie
make me unbearable memories
I tried to look for your existence's signs
why re the people gone that never slight
I just want to apologize to you
I just want to say how I feel
dont sleep