
League of Legends ft.朽爷Guzno - Days,朽爷Guzno

League of Legends ft.朽爷Guzno-Days,朽爷Guzno.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : Yukie Dong [00:01.000] 作曲 : W...
[00:00.000] 作词 : Yukie Dong
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Wing翼
[00:03.00]唱 / 混:朽爷Guzno
[00:39.28]Thundering dark night雷声轰鸣的昏暗黑夜
[00:41.56]A little snort of laughter一声冷笑
[00:43.61]Leaked from the foggy shadow forest从布满迷雾的黑暗森林泄露
[00:48.15]It spreads like fire
[00:50.52]The flames of war are raging战争如火般蔓延
[00:52.65]The air is filled with shouts of天空中回荡着
[00:54.29]“kill, kill, kill, kill”漫天杀声
[00:57.41]What’s the meaning of my life我生存的意义是什么
[01:01.48]For whom I am fighting for我在为谁而战
[01:05.94]What’s the meaning of your life你生存的意义是什么
[01:09.68]For whom you are fighting for你在为谁而战
[01:14.51]Raising my bloody blade举起我手中染血的剑
[01:20.69]Cut off the lives斩杀敌人
[01:22.39]rubbish the fate摆脱宿命
[01:24.17]Hearing the clashing swords伴随周围无数的剑声
[01:29.31]Everything is for the win一切为了胜利
[01:42.52]The cloudy grey sky乌云密布的灰暗天空
[01:44.65]All pitch dark and stormy日月无光好似暴风雨即将来临
[01:47.16]The black hooded figure is on his way那身着黑色斗蓬的幻影已缓慢靠近
[01:51.41]Whispers in the air风中弥漫着他的私语
[01:53.53]The flames of war are raging战争如火般蔓延
[01:55.95]The air is filled with shouts of天空中回荡着
[01:57.66]“kill, kill, kill, kill”漫天杀声
[02:00.48]What’s the meaning of my life我生存的意义是什么
[02:04.82]For whom I am fighting for我在为谁而战
[02:09.11]What’s the meaning of your life你生存的意义是什么
[02:13.44]For whom you are fighting for你在为谁而战
[02:18.01]Raising my bloody blade 举起我手中染血的剑
[02:23.74]Cut out the pain忍住痛楚
[02:25.58]fight for the light为属于自己的光明拼杀
[02:27.13]Hearing the clashing swords伴随 周围无数 的剑声
[02:32.49]It’s time to claim victory此刻 即是宣告胜利之时
[02:36.24](Aaa) Meteor, across the sky啊 流星划过天际
[02:42.85]Who lost his fight?谁输给了自己的战斗
[02:44.95]Don’t forget who I am记住吾之名
[02:50.13]I am the legend of forever eternity吾乃永恒永远之传奇