
美国将从伊拉克撤军(1/2) - 英语听力

President Barack Obama has announced that all U.S....
President Barack Obama has announced that all U.S. combat troops will leave Iraq by the end of 2011. The United States, in agreement with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, will then move into a new phase of its relations with Iraq, said Mr. Obama: "As of January 1st, and in keeping with our Str…

总统奥巴马称美国军队将于2011年底撤离伊拉克。在和伊拉克首相Nouri al-Maliki达成的协议上,双方将进入到新的阶段。Obama说:“根据我们和伊拉克的战略框架协议,1月1日我们将和主权国家伊拉克恢复正常关系,也就是基于平等互利互重的合作关系。”Obama承诺说这个合作关系将是有力和持久的,包括美国帮助伊拉克训练和运输军…