
The Tornado - Owl City

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The Tornado-Owl City.mp3
[00:00.0]The Tornado - Owl City (猫头鹰之城) [00:0...
[00:00.0]The Tornado - Owl City (猫头鹰之城)
[00:00.35]Composed by:Adam Young
[00:00.7]It was just startin' to drizzle as I walked out the door
[00:05.56]当我走出家门时 天空下起淅淅沥沥的小雨
[00:05.56]But I've delivered papers in the rain like that before
[00:09.98]3:30 in the morning I was happy as a lark
[00:14.16]凌晨三点半的时候 我如云雀那般快乐无比
[00:14.16]As I grabbed my bike and rode into the dark
[00:19.01]我扶着我的自行车 骑着车子 没入夜色之中
[00:19.01]I peddled through the neighbourhood the weather on my mind
[00:23.61]我骑着车 穿梭于邻近的街区 而我心里牵挂着天气状况
[00:23.61]The wind was pickin' up and howling louder all the time
[00:27.95]狂风大作 呼啸的声音越来越大
[00:27.95]The sky turned like a cauldron and the distant thunder roared
[00:32.26]天空好似一口沸腾的大锅 远处雷声轰鸣
[00:32.26]And I knew that I was in for quite a storm
[00:37.03]A little rain never hurt no one so I kept pressing on
[00:41.33]零星小雨何足挂齿 我继续前行
[00:41.33]And I tried to tell myself
[00:43.03]It's always darkest before the dawn
[00:48.37]Lightning struck an oak tree as I left off my bike
[00:52.66]当我跳下自行车时 闪电击中一棵橡树
[00:52.66]The siren started wailing but there was no good place to hide
[00:57.29]警笛不停鸣响 但我找不到合适的地方躲藏
[00:57.29]I knew without a doubt there was a twister touching down
[01:01.31]毫无疑问 我知道龙卷风即将来临
[01:01.31]So I crawled into a covert to wait it out
[01:06.09]所以我爬进矮树丛里 等待风暴过去
[01:06.09]The little bit of courage I had left was almost gone
[01:10.59]But I tried to tell myself
[01:12.26]It's always darkest before the dawn
[01:17.2]And then the nightmare started it got deafeningly loud
[01:21.42]噩梦上演 发出震耳欲聋的声音
[01:21.42]Every fibre in me screamed out but I couldn't make a sound
[01:26.11]我浑身颤栗 但我无法发出一丝声音
[01:26.11]The whirling of a vortex a violent carousel
[01:30.58]It sounded like a freight train was dragging me to hell
[01:52.869995]And this was my prayer
[01:57.880005]Save me from this terrible nightmare
[02:15.21]That was when I saw my family with my eyes shut real' tight
[02:20.14]就在那时 我仿佛看见我的家人 即使我双眼紧闭
[02:20.14]Would they know how much I loved them if this was how I died
[02:24.88]如果我在劫难逃 他们是否会知道我有多爱他们
[02:24.88]No I vowed I'd not be murdered by a monster in the sky that night
[02:36.87]那天晚上 我暗自发誓我绝不会让这天空中的怪物夺走我的性命
[02:36.87]But if I went home to heaven at least that's where I'd belong
[02:41.39]但如果我返回天堂 至少这就是我的最终归宿
[02:41.39]Yeah I tried to tell myself
[02:43.11]It's always darkest before the dawn
[02:46.9]So I kept hanging on
[02:56.2]I kept hanging on
[03:07.11]The shadows slowly melted as I was hunkered down
[03:11.53]当我蹲下来时 暗影慢慢消散
[03:11.53]'Till at last the worst was over the storm was dying out
[03:16.13]直到最后艰难时刻已经结束 风暴逐渐平息
[03:16.13]I crept out of that covert and I went weak in the knees
[03:20.2]我从矮树丛里爬出来 而我感觉膝盖发软
[03:20.2]'Cause what I saw was a somber sight to see
[03:25.0]There was nothing but destruction and wreckage in that town
[03:29.7]Cars were upside down and houses levelled to the ground
[03:34.24]汽车被掀翻在地 房屋被夷为平地
[03:34.24]A twisted trampoline was hangin' from the power line
[03:38.0]I blinked a tear back as I felt lucky to be alive
[03:42.63]我眨了一下泛着泪光的眼睛 因为我庆幸自己逃过一劫
[03:42.63]And that was how I learned to live when you can run
[03:45.9]在你可以逃跑 然而却无处藏身的时候
[03:45.9]But you can't hide
[03:47.38]How to feel trapped in a tunnel but come out the other side
[03:52.32]从困住自己的隧道的另一头逃出生天 这感觉难以言喻
[03:52.32]'Cause with all the stormy weather in the world
[03:55.61]因为在这世界里 到处都会发生暴风雨天气
[03:55.61]You learnt to take life one storm at a time
[03:59.67]You don't have to be afraid
[04:03.54]And now when there's bad weather on the way I stay calm
[04:08.15]如今当我在路途中遇到坏天气 我会保持冷静
[04:08.15]And I keep hanging on
[04:09.56]Because it's always darkest before the dawn
[04:22.71]And I keep hanging on
[04:31.86]I keep hanging on