
p r i d e . i s . t h e . d e v i l - BMFer

p r i d e . i s . t h e . d e v i l-BMFer.mp3
作词 : J. Cole 作曲 : J. Cole 作词 : J. Cole,作曲...
作词 : J. Cole
作曲 : J. Cole
作词 : J. Cole,作曲 : J. Cole,Uh,Pride is the Devil,傲慢如同魔鬼,Think it got ahold on me,它已让我深陷其中,Pride is the Devil,傲慢如同魔鬼,He left so many, R.I.P,多少冤魂被它诱导,Pride is the Devil,傲慢如同魔鬼,Think it got ahold on me,它已让我动弹不得,Pride is the Devil, yeah, uh,傲慢如同魔鬼,Terrified, paranoid,极度恐慌 近乎偏执,I'll put you over everything to fill the void,我将你供奉如神 填补瘆人的空虚,And when you’re gone, will I have anything,直至你消亡 我是否能有所收获?Or will I be destroyed? Uh,或是随你 一同走向毁灭?Terrified, paranoid,极度恐慌 近乎偏执,I'll put you over everything to fill the void,我将你供奉如神 填补瘆人的空虚,And when you're gone, will I have anything,直至你消亡 我是否能有所收获?Or will I be destroyеd? Yeah,或是随你 一同走向毁灭?Bright lights pass me in the city, it’s еmergency,刺眼的警灯闪过 又一出悲剧上演,I'm thankful 'cause I made it past my 30's, no one murdered me,年过三十 我感激得以幸存在这动荡乱世,Still remember vividly the nigga that pulled a gun on me,被人用枪口抵着的画面 依然历历在目,I'm petrified, but movin' like I got no sense of urgency,虽故作淡定 但我仍恐惧被剥夺生的权利,Pride make a nigga act way harder harder than he really be,傲慢让人忘记真实的面目,Pride hide the shame when city cut off all utilities,当城市体系崩溃 耻辱罪行被傲慢粉饰,Pride hide the pain of growing up inhaling poverty,贫穷下成长的苦痛 被傲慢掩盖,Pride make a nigga feel the way that you would follow me,傲慢让盲目的人们随波逐流,Make a nigga flash a thousand like he hit the lottery,四处挥霍钱财 好似赢得一纸彩票,Make a baby mama make shit harder than it gotta be,单亲妈妈们受迫于生计的压力,Make you have to take the bitch to court to see your prodigy,法庭对质 傲慢让你昧着良心去诡辩,Make you have to use your last resort and pull a robbery,抢劫或饿死 傲慢令你走向犯罪,Pride be the reason for the family dichotomy,傲慢让原本美满的家庭破碎,Got uncles and some aunts that's too proud to give apologies,我曾有许多长辈 因为傲慢不愿低头,Slowly realizing what the root of all my problems be,我逐渐意识到自身矛盾的根源,It got me feeling different when somebody say they proud of me,每当被人称赞 我深觉傲慢在内心萌生,Pride is the Devil, uh,傲慢如同魔鬼,I think it got ahold on me,它已让我深陷其中,Pride is the Devil, uh,傲慢如同魔鬼,And he left so many, R.I.P,多少冤魂被它诱导,Pride is the Devil,傲慢如同魔鬼,I think it got ahold on me,它已让我动弹不得,Pride is the Devil, uh, yeah,傲慢如同魔鬼,Terrified, paranoid,极度恐慌 近乎偏执,I'll put you over everything to fill the void,我将你供奉如神 填补瘆人的空虚,And when you’re gone, will I have anything,直至你消亡 我是否能有所收获?Or will I be destroyed? Uh,或是随你 一同走向毁灭?Terrified, paranoid,极度恐慌 近乎偏执,I’ll put you over everything to fill the void,我将你供奉如神 填补瘆人的空虚,And when you're gone, will I have anything,直至你消亡 我是否能有所收获?Or will I be destroyed? Yeah,或是随你 一同走向毁灭?Too much money to count, what’s the amount?赚到手软 数不清还有多少进账,Check never bounce,支票可不会说话,I gotta pay a nigga to add it up,淦 我得花钱找人帮忙算算,Then pay somebody to make sure whatever amount he say can back it up,还要再雇一人监管 确保数字能对上,Got racks on racks, I'm rackin' up, stackin' up,点金圣手 我一如行走的印钞机,You’re reachin', I'm actin' up,你只顾着吹牛b 而我选择付诸行动,Break it down, way up, now back it up,Makin' five a month, that's regular,月入百万美钞 我早习以为常,Nigga playin' with us, that's negative,想要和我玩火 兄弟们从不手下留情,Go back to the start, that's never,我不愿回到穷困潦倒的日子,I'm a boss, my closet leather,地位显赫 衣橱珍藏昂贵皮饰,Ain't no off-days on my schedule,24/7 繁忙日程辗转各地,As long as I live, we live forever,凡人苟活于世 我们永葆光辉,Told my twin this shit get better,向兄弟传去捷报 日子终于有了希望,These niggas don't slipped, let me get ahead of 'em,赶超同行竞技者 我稳坐头号交椅,Got my feet up, bands then have sex on the jet,双脚腾空 美人作伴 随私飞直插云霄,I don't need 'em, that shit in the past,我不再同往日般寻求帮助,I'm feelin' like what's next,未来将会怎样 我满心期待,Got my speed up, foot all on the gas,一脚地板油 我直接全力冲刺,This not a C8 'Vette,这可不是 Covette C8,I can beat 'em, I believe in me,重创敌手 我坚信强大的内心,Just tell me what's the bet,你敢和我对赌么?All my pride gone, had to lose it all then I got rich,舍弃无用的自傲 如今我赚到手软,I own five homes, blessed shit startin' to make sense,坐拥五套房产 上帝为人生加冕意义,I'm stayin' hella focused and I can't forget the bigger picture,我时刻专注规划未来的宏图,I can't even hold you, I done had shit I won't forget it,往日苦难的血泪史 深深印刻在脑海,Will I be destroyed?我是否会随之毁灭?Come to me with everything, it's startin' to get annoying,你暗藏目的的问候 我已倍感厌烦,I'm addicted to promethazine, it's crazy, yeah, I know it,依赖药物已久 我自知百害无益,All this money comin' in, it drive me crazy, not insured,坐拥巨额财富 令我时刻精神紧绷,I'll be crazy if I blow it,若亲手将事业送葬 那才叫疯狂,Pride is the Devil, uh,傲慢如同魔鬼,I think it got ahold on me,它已让我深陷其中,Pride is the Devil, uh,傲慢如同魔鬼,And he left so many, R.I.P,多少冤魂被它诱导,Pride is the Devil,傲慢如同魔鬼,I think it got ahold on me,它已让我动弹不得,Pride is the Devil, uh,傲慢如同魔鬼,