
Silhouette - Owl City

Silhouette-Owl City.mp3
[00:00.0]Silhouette - Owl City [00:15.44] [00:1...
[00:00.0]Silhouette - Owl City
[00:15.44]I'm tired of waking up in tears
[00:21.75]Cos I can't put to bed these phobias and fears
[00:28.71]I'm new to this grief I can't explain
[00:35.46]这份苦痛我也难以言明 而这却是那么的陌生
[00:35.46]But I'm no stranger to the heartache and the pain
[00:42.83]但对于那潜藏心底的伤痛 却又是那么的熟悉
[00:42.83]The fire I began is burning me alive
[00:49.21]我试着重燃激情 让自己得以重生
[00:49.21]But I know better to leave and let it die
[00:55.25]但我自知 转身离开 任其燃烬会是更好地选择吧
[00:55.25]I'm a silhouette asking every now and then
[01:02.0]恰似幽暗剪影 时时刻刻我都在问自己
[01:02.0]Is it over yet Will I ever feel again
[01:08.76]这一切已然终结了吗 这感觉会再次袭来将我吞噬吗
[01:08.76]I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
[01:15.58]不过是幽暗剪影 追寻着心中希望的彩虹
[01:15.58]But the more I try to move on the more I feel alone
[01:22.7]但似乎我越努力挣扎 却越难逃这孤寂的泥沼
[01:22.7]So I watch the summer stars to lead me home
[01:40.740005]抬头仰望这夏日的星空 似乎只有它们能指引我回家的路
[01:40.740005]I'm sick of the past I can't erase
[01:47.56]过往的曾经历历在目 我已无力抹去忆回的往昔
[01:47.56]A jumble of footprints and hasty steps I can't replace
[01:54.740005]或是杂乱的足迹或是匆忙的步伐 我已无法追溯个中缘由
[01:54.740005]The mountain of things I still regret
[02:01.18]牵绊于心而又堆积如山的往事 已然让我追悔不已
[02:01.18]Is a vile reminder that I would rather just forget
[02:06.38]恰似记忆的备忘录般让我难以释怀 我多想选择遗忘
[02:06.38](no matter where I go)
[02:08.56]The fire I began is burning me alive
[02:15.06]试着重燃欲火 让自己得以重生
[02:15.06]But I know better than to leave and let it die
[02:21.0]但我自知 转身离开 任其燃烬会是更好地选择吧
[02:21.0]I'm a silhouette asking every now and then
[02:27.70999]恰似幽暗剪影 时时刻刻我都在问自己
[02:27.70999]Is it over yet Will I ever smile again
[02:34.27]这一切已然终结了吗 我会再次展露笑颜吗
[02:34.27]I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
[02:41.4]不过是幽暗剪影 追寻着心中希望的彩虹
[02:41.4]But the more I try to move on the more I feel alone
[02:48.34]但似乎我越努力挣扎 却越难逃这孤寂的泥沼
[02:48.34]So I watch the summer stars to lead me home
[02:57.91]抬头仰望这夏日的星空 似乎只有它们能指引我回家的路
[02:57.91]Cos I walk alone
[03:02.57]只因我形单影只 独自前行
[03:02.57](no matter where I go)
[03:04.76]Cos I walk alone
[03:07.45]只因我形单影只 独自前行
[03:07.45](no matter where I go)
[03:11.58]Cos I walk alone
[03:15.89]只因我形单影只 独自前行
[03:15.89](no matter where I go)
[03:19.26]I'm a silhouette asking every now and then
[03:25.83]恰似幽暗剪影 时时刻刻我都在问自己
[03:25.83]Is it over yet Will I ever love again
[03:32.84]这会是结束吗 我还会重燃爱火吗
[03:32.84]I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
[03:39.59]不过是幽暗剪影 追寻着心中希望的彩虹
[03:39.59]But the more I try to move on the more I feel alone
[03:46.59]但似乎我越努力挣扎 却越难逃这孤寂的泥沼
[03:46.59]So I watch the summer stars to lead me home
[03:57.53]抬头仰望这夏日的星空 似乎只有它们能指引我回家的路
[03:57.53]I watch the summer stars to lead me home
[04:02.053]抬头仰望这夏日的星空 似乎只有它们能指引我回家的路