
Captains and Cruise Ships - Owl City

Captains and Cruise Ships-Owl City.mp3
[00:01.22]I am stuck in L A [00:05.03]这一周我被...
[00:01.22]I am stuck in L A
[00:05.03]Through the week and can't get away
[00:08.76]And you're alone on the pier
[00:12.48]In West Palm Beach on your holiday
[00:16.57]Stormy night re-awake
[00:20.27]The stomach ache that i've acquired
[00:24.16]再次因为胃痛醒来 自那之后
[00:24.16]From feeling down things look grim
[00:28.05]我感觉不会再爱了 一切看上去都那样糟糕
[00:28.05]And i'm so sick of being tired
[00:31.68]我也耐不住这身心的煎熬 疲惫不已
[00:31.68]Apartment lights go dark
[00:35.52]公寓的灯光熄灭了 陷入黑暗中
[00:35.52]And it's depressing but what can i do
[00:39.53]心情如此压抑 但我又能做些什么呢
[00:39.53]The midnight streets feel dead
[00:43.35]午夜时分 寂静的街道上
[00:43.35]When i am so used to driving with you
[00:47.24]Brighter lights fill the night and
[00:51.2]灯火辉煌 照亮了黑夜
[00:51.2]Bluer skys reflect in your eyes
[00:54.77]繁星点缀 在夜空中生辉
[00:54.77]As I inspect and analyze
[00:58.67]我看得很仔细 愈发出神
[00:58.67]All of these dreams I don't recognize
[01:02.46]这些梦境那样的真实 却又那样的陌生
[01:02.46]If you're still up when the ships
[01:06.46]In the port prepare to set sail
[01:10.29]Comb the beach and put those blue flowers up in your ponytail
[01:17.92]与你漫步在海滩上 在你的马尾上插上这些蓝色的花
[01:17.92]Inside my head you're voice is still resounding but what can i do
[01:25.61]你的声音仍然在我深深的脑海里萦绕着 但我又能做什么呢
[01:25.61]Empty rooms feel cold when I am so used to being with you
[01:33.41]当我习惯身边有你陪着的时候 那空荡荡的房间显得格外冷清起来
[01:33.41]Count the stars watch the waves absorb the summer sun
[01:39.04]数一数夜空中的繁星 看着海浪贪婪地吸收着夏日阳光的温暖
[01:39.04]And think of me
[01:40.93]When you explore hidden coves and tiny island chains throughout the sea
[01:48.65]当你在那个无人知晓的洞穴探险的时候 那些微小的小岛在无边的海洋中连成一串
[01:48.65]Can you still hear my voice when I'm outside from over the phone
[01:56.32]当我不在你身边 你是否也能透过电话的听筒听到我内心的声音呢
[01:56.32]For what its worth darling dear I wish you were here Cause I feel alone
[02:03.94]因为一切都是值得为你去做的 亲爱的 我多么希望你此刻就在这里 因为我已被孤单吞噬
[02:03.94]When you were home we'd sing but since you've left I don't hear anything
[02:11.55]曾经我们会在你回家的路上放声歌唱 可自从你离开之后 我再也听不见那些过往的美好了
[02:11.55]Though I feel so sad I can't believe things are really that bad
[02:18.99]尽管我很难受 我也无法相信事情变得如此糟糕
[02:18.99]Old captains and brand new cruise ships
[02:22.63]Sailing over the briney sea
[02:26.42]When I crashed my beloved desk job
[02:30.31]And swim through the debris
[02:34.07]I'll cut loose leave this mad house bound for the atlantic blue
[02:41.85]我将永远离开这个喧嚣的屋子 然后向蓝色的大西洋靠近
[02:41.85]I'll stroll down your treelined driveway and sail the ocean with you
[02:46.08499]我将在你那绿树成荫的车道上漫步 然后与你一起航向海洋