
Duet Song - Dresses

Duet Song-Dresses.mp3
[00:00.0]Duet Song - Dresses [00:11.28] [00:11....
[00:00.0]Duet Song - Dresses
[00:11.28]I remember the time it took you to grow
[00:16.01]Into a flower the violet that we all know
[00:21.05]才长成盛放的花儿 那是我们都熟悉的紫罗兰
[00:21.05]It was mid december and I had a cold heart
[00:31.42]十二月中旬 那时的我冷若冰霜
[00:31.42]Remember spring with all the stupid parties
[00:35.38]还记得那个春天 到处都是无聊的派对
[00:35.38]Cuz I don't
[00:37.78]因为 我不爱凑热闹
[00:37.78]And the stories that you told me
[00:41.02]I love those
[00:43.48]And thinking about you is breaking my heart
[00:50.72]但又一想 你伤透了我的心
[00:50.72]My heart
[00:57.15]Do you recall the summer we would keep
[01:02.24]Our smiles alive all the days of the week
[01:07.28]I miss the most how you would tell me
[01:12.39]I'll never change
[01:17.53]And with the turn of the seasons baby
[01:22.61]但随着岁月变迁 宝贝
[01:22.61]You grew and I let them change me
[01:27.9]你成熟起来了 岁月也让我改变了不少
[01:27.9]I regret only one thing the most
[01:34.93]That's using my head not my heart
[01:58.3]那就是我只是头脑发热 而非用心爱你
[01:58.3]Do you remember the night I brought you home
[02:03.43]We took a shower
[02:05.25]My parents they were long gone
[02:08.46]You kissed my lips and told me
[02:11.48]你轻吻我的双唇 告诉我
[02:11.48]We had only begun
[02:14.35]Well that's the night I went so long
[02:20.31]那一晚如此漫长 却又如此美好
[02:20.31]I kissed you that could tell you I wasn't
[02:24.19]我吻了你 还告诉你我不会变心
[02:24.19]Ooooh ooooh