
Christmas Monologue - 董纯汐Tracy&Remolino.

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Christmas Monologue-董纯汐Tracy&Remolino..mp3
[00:02.43]Snowflake cover the way 雪花盖住了小路 [...
[00:02.43]Snowflake cover the way 雪花盖住了小路
[00:05.94]It was a chilly Wednesday 那是一个寒冷的星期三
[00:10.2]Santa was stray 圣诞老人迷路了
[00:14.21]The bell rang halfway 钟声在半路响起
[00:18.48]We have watched the sunset 我们曾看过日落
[00:22.49]But we never saw it rise 但我们从未看过日出
[00:26.5]Like our feelings 像我们的感情
[00:30.52]Drowned in darkness 沉没在黑暗里
[00:32.27]You took a tiny step back you thought I wouldn’t notice 你向后退了小小的一步你以为我不会注意到
[00:35.78]Then you texted in the midnight say we’d better be friends 然后你在午夜发消息说我们最好还是做朋友
[00:39.8]I froze there on the footbridge watching cars passing by 我呆呆地伫立在天桥上看着车来车往
[00:43.81]All blank 脑中一片空白
[00:48.32]I promised you I would take you away from the bustle 我答应过你我会带你远离城市喧嚣
[00:51.84]Take you to a place where we can be alone and eternal 带你去一个我们能独处并永恒的地方
[00:55.85]We shall watch aurora booming in the distant heaven 我们会看着极光在遥远的天堂绽放
[00:59.86]Holding hands 手牵着手
[01:22.44]Reindeers go round and round 驯鹿绕着圈子
[01:26.45]What’s on your mind now 你现在在想什么呢
[01:30.47]Tossing your hair 轻抚你的头发
[01:34.479996]Murmuring my name 嘟囔我的名字
[01:38.240005]I have no heart to break 我的心伤得支离破碎
[01:42.25]You have no words to say 你也没什么好说的了
[01:46.520004]Butterfly flew away 蝴蝶飞走了
[01:49.78]Let the story end 就让故事结束吧
[01:52.28]Memories spinning and spinning riding a ferris wheel 回忆在脑海中旋转着像在坐摩天轮
[01:55.8]Like falling in a dream we built and thought it was true 像坠入我们创造的梦境并信以为真
[01:59.81]We were waiting for a train not knowing where it would go 我们在等待一列不知去向何方的火车
[02:03.83]Don’t go 别离开
[02:08.09]I envy the moon pouring light and tender on you 我嫉妒月亮对你倾倒光亮和温柔
[02:11.86]But the truth is we are scattered when the wind starts to blow 但事实是当风一吹我们就走散了
[02:15.87]I'll find a way trying to stop thinking about you 我会想办法尽力忘记你
[02:19.88]All alone 孑然一身
[02:24.4]I deleted your messages your number and pictures 我删掉了你的信息你的电话号码和你的照片
[02:28.16]But how do I erase the mark you engraved on my heart 但我怎么抹去你刻在我心上的印记
[02:32.17]I said those words above sometimes when I‘m terribly drunk 我在喝的烂醉的时候有时会说这些话
[02:35.93]Moving on 向前走吧
[02:40.19]A black swan glided nobly stretching her wings 黑天鹅优雅地伸展她的翅膀滑翔
[02:43.45999]It was another Christmas children laughing with candy canes 又是一个圣诞节孩子们吃着拐杖糖嬉笑
[02:47.73]I wish your life is like a canvas rich in colors and shapes 我希望你的生活像一张五颜六色的画布
[02:51.99]Sleep tight 睡个好觉