
Strangers by Nature - Adele

Strangers by Nature-Adele.mp3
[00:00.0]Strangers By Nature - Adele [00:01.46]Lyr...
[00:00.0]Strangers By Nature - Adele
[00:01.46]Lyrics by:Adele Adkins/Ludwig G?篴nsson
[00:02.79]Composed by:Adele Adkins/Ludwig G?篴nsson
[00:04.86]I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
[00:13.45]我会手捧花束 前往埋葬我真心的墓地
[00:13.45]For all of my lovers in the present and in the dark
[00:22.26]献给我所有的爱人 现任以及被我淡忘的故人
[00:22.26]Every anniversary I'll pay respects and say I'm sorry
[00:31.02]每逢周年纪念之日 我会表示敬意 献上我的歉意
[00:31.02]For they never stood chances if they could
[00:39.44]因为他们永远没有机会 与我厮守一生
[00:39.44]When no one knows what it's like to be us
[00:48.55]当无人知晓 形同陌路是哪般感受
[00:48.55]I've never seen the sky this color before
[00:56.99]It's like I'm noticing everything a little bit more
[01:05.78]Now that all the dust has settled
[01:10.43]如今 一切已尘埃落定
[01:10.43]I rebut all my rebuttals
[01:14.57]No one knows what it's like to be us
[01:23.3]无人知晓 形同陌路是哪般感受
[01:23.3]Strangers by nature
[01:40.630005]Strangers by nature
[01:56.96]Will I ever get there
[02:00.99]Oh I hope that someday I'll learn to nurture what I've done
[02:18.62]希望将来某天 我能够与自己和解 汲取教训 往前迈步
[02:18.62]Uh huh hm
[02:24.63]Uh huh hm hm hm
[02:29.34]Uh huh hm hm hm
[02:38.97]Hm hm hm hm
[02:51.8]Alright then I'm ready
[02:51.83]好吧 我已做好准备