
歌剧魅影 (京剧版) - 于毅

歌剧魅影 (京剧版)-于毅.mp3
[00:0.25]歌剧魅影(京剧版 现场版)-于毅 [00:37.52]似...
[00:0.25]歌剧魅影(京剧版 现场版)-于毅
[00:37.52]似睡还似乎醒 似梦似真
[00:48.03]这迷离呼唤声 颤动我心
[00:58.95]是幽灵还是谁 在我身畔
[01:60.27]Sing once again with me
[01:66.73]Our strange duet
[01:73.27]My power over you grows stronger yet
[01:86.22]And though you turn from me
[01:92.7]to glance behind
[02:01.12]The Phantom of the Opera is there
[02:12.53]Inside your mind.
[02:57.92]Sing once again with me
[02:64.23]为你夜而生 My power over you grows
[02:77.55]诉我心声 And though you turn from me
[02:99.03]The Phantom of the Opera is there
[03:92.88]似睡还似乎醒 似梦似真