
The Love You Save - Jackson 5

The Love You Save-Jackson 5.mp3
[00:00.0]The Love You Save - Jackson 5 [00:03.4]...
[00:00.0]The Love You Save - Jackson 5
[00:03.4]Stop na na na you better save me
[00:07.71]停下来 你最好救救我
[00:07.71]Stop Stop Stop
[00:09.03]You better save me yeah Yeah
[00:20.47]When we played tag in gradeschool
[00:22.59]上小学时 我们玩着捉迷藏
[00:22.59]You wanted to be it
[00:24.21]You chased those boys you testified
[00:26.62]你追赶着那些男孩 你寻找他们
[00:26.62]You crossed your heart you quit
[00:28.81]When we grew up you traded your promise for my ring
[00:33.11]你发誓不再玩了 你用你的诺言换取了我的戒指
[00:33.11]Now just like back in gradeschool
[00:35.6]Stop the love you save may be your own
[00:38.21]停下来 你拯救的爱也许就是属于你自己的
[00:38.21]You're doin' the same old thing
[00:40.83]Darlin take it slow or someday you'll be all alone
[00:45.58]亲爱的 慢慢来 否则有一天你会很孤独
[00:45.58]Better stop the love you save may be your own
[00:49.33]最好停下来 你拯救的爱也许就是属于你自己的
[00:49.33]Darlin look both ways before you cross me
[00:52.21]亲爱的 惹怒我之前 四处打量一下
[00:52.21]You're heading for a danger zone (End of chorus )
[00:54.27]I'm the one who loves you I'm the one you need
[00:58.84]我才是最爱你的人 我才是你最需要的人
[00:58.84]Those other guys will put you down As soon as they succeed
[01:02.84]那些人一旦成功了 就会各种嘲讽你
[01:02.84]They'll ruin your reputation they'll label you a flirt
[01:07.27]他们会让你身败名裂 他们觉得你水性杨花
[01:07.27]The way they talk about you They'll turn your name to dirt
[01:11.65]他们谈论你的作为 会让你名誉扫地
[01:11.65]Issac said he kissed you underneath the apple tree
[01:15.71]When Benji held your hand you felt the electricity
[01:18.46]Benji说他拉着你的手时 很有触电的感觉
[01:18.46]When Alexander called you you said he rang your chimes
[01:24.47]Alexander去找你时 他说你要他按门铃
[01:24.47]Christopher discovered you're way ahead of your time
[01:28.71]Stop the love you save may be your own
[01:31.89]停下来 你拯救的爱也许就是属于你自己的
[01:31.89]Darlin take it slow or someday you'll be all alone
[01:36.8]亲爱的 慢慢来 否则有一天你会很孤独
[01:36.8]Better stop the love you save may be your own
[01:40.36]最好停下来 你拯救的爱也许就是属于你自己的
[01:40.36]Darlin look both ways before you cross me
[01:43.229996]亲爱的 惹怒我之前 四处打量一下
[01:43.229996]You're heading for a danger zone
[01:47.009995]Hold on hold on hold on hold on
[01:54.25]S is for Save me
[01:56.130005]T is for Take it Slow
[01:58.259995]O is Oh No
[02:00.42]P is for Please Please don't go
[02:03.23]Stop the love you save may be your own
[02:05.24]停下来 你拯救的爱也许就是属于你自己的
[02:05.24]Someday you may be all alone
[02:07.03]Stop it save me girl Baby you better stop
[02:10.52]停下来 女孩 拯救我 你最好停下来
[02:10.52]The love you save may be your own
[02:13.77]Baby or someday someday Baby you may be all alone
[02:19.34]宝贝 也许有一天 你会很孤独
[02:19.34]I'm the one who loves you
[02:21.4]I'm the one you need
[02:23.45999]Those other guys will put you down
[02:25.4]As soon as they succeed
[02:26.9]Stop the love you save may be your own
[02:30.59]停下来 你拯救的爱也许就是属于你自己的
[02:30.59]You Baby stop it stop it stop it girl
[02:33.9]宝贝 你停下来
[02:33.9]Slow or someday You'll be all alone
[02:40.37]不要着急 否则总有一天你会很孤独
[02:40.37]You may be talk about you turn your name turn your name to dirt
[02:45.22]他们谈论你的作为 会让你名誉扫地
[02:45.22]Someday Baby you may be all alone
[02:50.79001]宝贝 有一天你会很孤独
[02:50.79001]Girl you're heading for a danger zone
[02:55.079]女孩 你正在迈向危险地带