
Friends Again - 棉花小兔Mofy

Friends Again-棉花小兔Mofy.mp3
作词 : Sony Creative Products Inc. 作曲 : Sony Cre...
作词 : Sony Creative Products Inc.
作曲 : Sony Creative Products Inc.
One two one two three
Cloudy sky soon passes by
No more rains Sun rises high
Feeling sad It's not so bad
Soon you will smile and feel so glad
We can do it if we try
La la la la la jumping up so high
If we share to show we care
A present for our friends so rare
We can do it if we try
La la la la la jumping up so high

Oh Moon what a day I have had
It started so badly
then it got worse
but then it got better
In the end it was a beautiful day
Tell me what happened Mofy
It started on the way to Kerry's house
I was going to meet him but
on the way I saw Lee and Sioux
They were both very cross
Acorns acorns
where did we hide them
Don't you remember
You wrote it on one of the acorns
Yes I did! I wrote it on a big acorn
And where is THAT acorn
Ehr I think
I may have eaten it
You've eaten it
Yes! What do we do now
Oh Moon! Kerry was waiting
but I helped Lee and Sioux
I thought they needed me
Eventually we found the acorns
Then what happened Mofy
I went on to meet Kerry
but I was very late
and he was cross
I tried to tell him I had been helping Lee and Sioux
but he wouldn't listen
Do you know how long I waited
And waited and waited
and waited some more
My tea went cold
It turned into a quarrel Moon
Kerry was so angry
his face looked like stone
I walked off, and I didn't look back once
I hadn't walked far
when I started to feel very sorry
Oh dear Mofy
I was so sorry we had quarrelled
my poor heart ached
Then in the forest I met Mogu
or rather I bumped into Mogu
He could see I was sad and he wasn't cross
He asked me what was wrong
So I told him
I'm so sad
I quarrelled with Kerry
Tell him your sorry
We're not talking to each other
Write him a letter
I can deliver it
What a good idea
It was
So I wrote straight away
And Kerry wrote straight back
So it began lots of letters
I wrote to Kerry.He wrote to me
And Mogu ran from tunnel to tunnel
delivering the letters
We were almost friends again
Mogu stopped coming
No more letters I was so worried
I thought something happened to Kerry
So I ran to his house as fast as I could
But guess what Moon
Kerry was running to me
Mofy I'm sorry
I shouldn't have been angry
I'm sorry too
I shouldn't have been late
You have a good reason! I should have listened
I should have let you know
Can we be friends again
Yes please
That's why I was looking for you
I've got your letters
Sorry they're late
I had to help my cousin
I hope he is alright
He just had a bad case of the giggles
The giggle doctor is on his way
What a funny reason to be late

Ah ah ah
What a sweet story Mofy
Sometimes you can quarrel with a friend
The important thing
is to make friends again before the sun goes down
You're right Moon
And we did
Good night