
Sound of Your Heart - Shawn Hook

Sound of Your Heart-Shawn Hook.mp3
[00:00.0]Sound of Your Heart - Shawn Hook [00:08.4...
[00:00.0]Sound of Your Heart - Shawn Hook
[00:08.48]You were my courage my sword and shield
[00:11.39]你是我的勇气 我的剑和盾
[00:12.11]Grace under pressure my wall of steel
[00:15.27]重压之下仍要保持优雅 我筑起了钢铁之墙
[00:16.05]I was a stone weighing us down
[00:19.21]我就像一个石块 几欲将我们压垮
[00:19.89]You were the angel I chained to the ground
[00:23.06]I miss the way you undress I miss your head on my chest
[00:30.76]我怀念你宽衣解带的样子 怀念你依偎在我怀里的样子
[00:31.75]Can't stop this bleeding can't stop believing
[00:35.57]无法阻止内心的滴血 也无法阻止你的离去
[00:35.57]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[00:39.62]Baby I'm in love with you
[00:41.4]宝贝 我爱着你
[00:42.93]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[00:47.37]Baby you were mine to lose
[00:50.53]宝贝 你曾属于我 我却失去了你
[00:50.53]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[00:57.63]You showed me heaven you rang up bells
[01:00.61]你让我见识了天堂 唤醒了我内心的激情
[01:01.3]I played with matches it hurt like hell
[01:05.23]I sleep and wake you're all I see
[01:08.41]不管是醒着还是已睡着 眼前只有你
[01:09.16]I can't escape you can't set you free
[01:12.479996]I miss your full moon rising catching a breath in silence
[01:19.8]我怀念满月升起的样子 在寂静中屏气凝神
[01:20.92]Can't stop this bleeding can't stop believing
[01:24.78]无法阻止内心的滴血 也无法阻止你的离去
[01:24.78]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[01:28.86]Baby I'm in love with you
[01:31.88]宝贝 我爱着你
[01:31.88]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[01:36.5]Baby you were mine to lose
[01:39.75]宝贝 你曾属于我 我却失去了你
[01:39.75]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[01:44.509995]Missing you missing you
[01:47.67]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[01:51.96]Missing you missing you
[01:55.44]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[02:00.33]Baby I'm coming baby I'm coming
[02:03.34]宝贝 我正在赶来
[02:04.26]Tell me now baby I come running
[02:07.97]现在就告诉我 我会向你奔去
[02:07.97]Baby I'm coming baby I'm coming
[02:11.2]宝贝 我正在赶来
[02:12.11]Say the words baby I come running
[02:15.74]只要你一句话 我就向你奔去
[02:18.03]Baby I'm in love with you
[02:20.14]宝贝 我爱着你
[02:21.16]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[02:25.67]Baby you were mine to lose
[02:28.32]宝贝 你曾属于我 我却失去了你
[02:28.92]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[02:37.68]I'm missing the sound I'm missing the sound of you baby baby
[02:44.38]宝贝 我怀念你的声音
[02:45.31]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[02:49.05]Missing you missing you
[02:52.52]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
[02:56.92]Missing you missing you
[03:00.18]I'm missing the sound of your heart beating