
21 - 张仁与

[00:00.00] 作词 : 张仁与 [00:00.00] 作曲 : 张仁与...
[00:00.00] 作词 : 张仁与
[00:00.00] 作曲 : 张仁与
[00:00.00] 总是觉得失望
[00:14.79]Constantly disappointed,
[00:21.03]desperately trying to hide
[00:28.10]as I wander through the crowd?
[00:33.87]I still can’t pretend
[00:41.28]How much longer until
[00:41.76]才能回头望一望 你的脸庞
[00:47.40]I can look back at your face?
[00:53.19]How many tears should I shed
[00:54.14]才能 成为 你 想像的模样
[01:00.37]for me to live up to your expectations?
[01:04.17]My sadness
[01:06.08]它听来 很荒唐
[01:08.95]as absurd as it sounds
[01:12.81]我的 渴望
[01:16.48]is my desire
[01:18.09]成为你们 的力量
[01:24.43]to become your strength
[01:28.84]I ’m still singing
[01:30.24]这首为你重复 播放的歌 啊
[01:35.92]I put this song on repeat for you
[01:42.25]会听见 的 吧
[01:57.60]you ’ll hear it right?
[02:13.09]我的心 啊
[02:16.32]my heart
[02:19.32]它向着 你 啊
[02:25.92]yearns for you