
what‘s hiphop - AKJ

what‘s hiphop-AKJ.mp3
[00:20.46]what‘s hiphop [00:23.45]I believe that o...
[00:20.46]what‘s hiphop
[00:23.45]I believe that one day I can bring light to the dark corners of the world
[00:27.45]For my parents for my girl
[00:29.45]I don't care about what you say
[00:30.95]I'm good or I'm bad
[00:32.71]Only when you succeed
[00:34.45]Make money to your pockets
[00:36.45]People will think you are everything is right
[00:38.45]Nobody really care about me
[00:40.71]They are only try to squeeze money of me
[00:43.2]trule! Only the strong can survive in the world
[00:45.95]Thanks daddy told to me
[00:47.71]One,for the money
[00:49.2]Two,for the show
[00:50.7]Three for my family
[00:52.2]Four for my gril
[00:53.7]Hiphop never die
[00:54.96]Money Money on my mind
[00:56.71]Hiphop never die
[00:57.96]Hiphop hiphop is my life
[01:11.45]What's hiphop是生活最真实的写照
[01:14.45]What's hiphop是迷茫时前进的光
[01:17.45]What's hiphop是弱者改命运对白
[01:20.22]What's hiphop是悬崖那根救命稻草
[01:41.21]在闯关 冒险岛 打游戏
[01:47.69]消灭敌人one by one
[01:49.21]Like马里奥最后救出你的snow white
[01:55.2]成功终将come to we
[02:01.95]终有一天mountain to the top
[02:22.95999]What's hiphop是生活最真实的写照
[02:26.20999]What's hiphop是迷茫时前进的光
[02:28.95999]What's hiphop是弱者改命运对白
[02:31.95999]What's hiphop是悬崖那根救命稻草