
It Goes On-《12勇士》电影插曲 - Zac Brown&Sir Rosevelt

It Goes On-《12勇士》电影插曲-Zac Brown&Sir Rosevelt.mp3
[00:00.0]It Goes On - Zac Brown/Sir Rosevelt [00:2...
[00:00.0]It Goes On - Zac Brown/Sir Rosevelt
[00:22.22]When you heart's on the edge
[00:26.83]Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette
[00:32.85]When the nights don't seem to end
[00:37.08]And that lonely wind is singing you to sleep once again
[00:42.93]孤寂的风从你耳边呼啸而过 你彻夜难眠
[00:42.93]I won't make a promise I can't keep
[00:47.86]Like a river flows to the ocean deep
[00:52.99]It goes on and on
[00:58.88]它奔流不息 勇往直前
[00:58.88]Bound to forever
[01:01.6]Even when we're gone
[01:03.74]It goes on and on
[01:09.45]它依然奔流不息 勇往直前
[01:09.45]We'll be together
[01:11.9]At the rising of the dawn
[01:14.16]It goes on
[01:26.28]When your mind's on the loose
[01:30.84]Slowly wearing out like a faded old tattoo
[01:36.770004]When the days all look the same
[01:40.990005]当你的生活一成不变 毫无激情
[01:40.990005]When that lonely wind keeps singing only you can ease the pain
[01:46.82]孤寂的风从你耳边呼啸而过 没有人能解除你的痛苦
[01:46.82]That's the kind of bond that you can't break
[01:51.8]Like looking up at all the stars and space
[01:57.04]就像满天繁星 你只能仰望 却无法触及
[01:57.04]It goes on and on
[02:02.91]它奔流不息 勇往直前
[02:02.91]Bound to forever
[02:05.45]Even when we're gone
[02:07.35]It goes on and on
[02:13.44]它依然奔流不息 勇往直前
[02:13.44]We'll be together
[02:15.97]At the rising of the dawn
[02:18.22]It goes on
[02:21.78]Digging through the sands of time to find the way back home
[02:26.27]与时间赛跑 试图找到回家的路
[02:26.27]The memories and pain it keeps me hanging on
[02:32.11]那些美好的回忆甚至是痛苦 都给了我继续追寻的勇气
[02:32.11]To know I'm not alone we're stronger than the bonds of blood
[02:36.94]我知道我并不是孤身一人 我们之间的情谊超越那血浓于水的亲情
[02:36.94]Even on the darkest days together through the valley of the dark
[02:43.61]即使在最黑暗的时刻 只要我们在一起 我们就能跨越人生的低谷
[02:43.61]It goes on and on
[02:49.67]它奔流不息 勇往直前
[02:49.67]Bound to forever
[02:52.32]Even when we're gone
[02:54.01]It goes on and on and on
[03:00.34]它依然奔流不息 勇往直前
[03:00.34]We'll be together
[03:02.54]At the rising of the dawn
[03:05.65]We'll be together
[03:08.15]At the rising of the dawn