
全票通过 马拉多纳卸任主帅 - 英语听力

全票通过 马拉多纳卸任主帅-英语听力.mp3
Diego Maradona's stormy spell at the helm of the A...
Diego Maradona's stormy spell at the helm of the Argentina national football team has come to an end. The country's football federation has decided not to renew his contract. A spokesman for the federation Ernesto Cherquis Bialo said the decision was taken unanimously. "The executive commit…

迭戈•马拉多纳执掌阿根廷国家队的这段时间总是充满了激烈的争议,而今,他的任期结束了。阿根廷足协已经决定不再与马帅续约。足协发言人厄内斯托•比亚罗表示这个决定已经一致通过。 “足协的执委会所有成员都一致投票决定不再与马拉多纳在国家队主教练的合同上续约。” 自从阿根廷队在上个月的世界杯上0-4惨败给德国…